Thursday, February 21, 2013


Something Clever 2.0 called me out on Twitter…on Twitter!!! for this weeks #ThemeThursday. I honestly wasn’t planning to write a post this week but when someone calls you out on a social network, I mean I have to, what will people think of me if I don’t (cause I really care) but mostly you challenge I accept.

So the reason I wasn’t going to do a post was the topic…what do you love?? What the hell does she mean? Love as in my kids, husband, family & friends or love like chocolate, ice cream, days off from work….this woman needs to be more specific (she was I just didn't pay attention at first). Then I went back to read her #ThemeThursday page (I needed more insight) and read where she specifically said no love for people in my life….shit this is going to be hard. Now I have to think about what to write. I can’t just write meaningless shit, after all it’s about LOVE….think think think….

FUN., that’s who I LOVE, and no not fun as in that was a fun night we had, NO NO NO NO FUN. like the indie pop band. These guys are awesome! Now let me give you a little background info on me so you’ll understand my excitment. For the last 16 or so years I’ve listened to nothing but music from my country. NO ENGLISH….NOTHING (unless I heard it on a commercial)!!! Just recently (about 2 months ago) I was in my car driving somewhere and I got bored of listening to my CD so I switched to the radio. I completely shocked/surprised myself I even knew how since I haven't used it since the late 90's. Anyway I turn it on and I was amazed. There’s some good songs out there….Good job American!!! One of the first songs that caught my ear was “We Are Young”; at the time I didn’t know who sang it all I knew was I LOVE THIS SONG!!! and then I watched The Grammy’s (another thing I HAD NEVER DONE) and there they were FUN. singing their songs and OHMYGAWD, my heart be still IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT and then they WON two Grammies….so now you know they're good. And so my LOVE (OBSESSION) began. So like any new love steps must be taken to ensure that the LOVE lasts, I’ve bought their latest CD “Some Nights”, I've Googled them daily for new info and pics of them (Nate, lead singer), I’ve listened to them for maybe 1, 2, 100 hours already and not to mention I don't think there are any videos on YouTube left that I haven't watched….when I LOVE I really LOVE. I love their songs, I love their energy, I love the lead singer (don’t judge I know I’m married just let me have this, its not like something is going to happen).
Ohh and I almost forgot to tell you they’re coming to NEW YORK in July and after trying VERY HARD (apparently I'm not the only one that LOVES them...sluts) to get tickets I FINALLY GOT THEM!!!



The Smile That Melts Hearts!!!

Deamy Nate!!!

**Now that I've promoted the shit out of them I would like something in return. Nothing big...all I want is to meet Nate. So if any members or managers of Fun. are reading this please contact me!! I promise I'm not some lunatic fan.

What do others "Love" click on the link below and read what other bloggers had to say about this topic.




  1. You know, I still haven't heard them. I'm so old and lame. The last time I got into a new band was when I discovered the bird and the bee on Ellen when I was on maternity leave four years ago. What song do you recommend for an introduction?

    1. All of start I would say Some Nights (Intro), Some Night, We Are Young & Carry On

    2. Ohhh, okay, I've heard them on commercials. I already forgot which one- Carry On? The whoa-whoa one. I think it's on like four commercials.

    3. I think their "We are young" song was in a commercial last year. I haven't heard anything this year but I don't watch regular TV anymore, I DVR everything and than I always skip the commericals so maybe I did miss it.

    4. Good GOD, Jenn. I even tweeted you a link to the video for heavens sake! HOTTNESSSSSSS!

  2. I found them randomly too, and they blew my mind by how DIFFERENT they sounded from everything else on the radio. There was this clean, clear voice with no strain or warble, and music that was somewhere between rock opera and gospel choir. Good choice for love.

    1. There's just something about them. I don't know what yet...although looking at Nate doesn't hurt but its not just that…their songs are so amazing. They have this great energy that they give off and you can't help but love them!

  3. All I have to say is...I <3 you and we only just met. I love FUN so hard!!! The Some Nights video gets me. Every. Time. Not because it's sad. Nate. *sighs* I heard they wrote that song 10 years ago about the Gulf War. idk

    1. How awesome are you!!! I've loved reading your blog for months and now here you are! I think Nate can make all my problems disappear even if only in my dreams! They really do have an amazing energy that you can feel. Thank you so much for reading my is turning out to be so great!!

  4. I liked their acceptance speech at the Grammys. The guitarist thanked their folks for letting them live at home for so long due to music business related poverty - something I can relate to! lol And he said "I know the song is "We Are Young"...we're not so young anymore." HA!

    1. I loved their acceptance speach. Also when Nate (my heart be still)for the second acceptance speach said "I really wasn't planning this I have to pee so hard I'm going to let these guys talk". So honest, so great!!

  5. I like what I've heard from them thus far. This really seems to be the time for the indie groups making it big-I love it! :-)

    1. Since I haven't listened to English music in a long time I'm not sure what's been going on but I can tell you that from what I use to listen to and what was available times really have changed...for the better! I really love that new artists who have actual talent are being recognized for their hard work.
