Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Favorite Time

Times sure have changed. When I was in school summer vacations meant so much to me. No school, no homework, no waking up early, no school cafeteria food. The summers were mine to do as I pleased. I went to the beach, pool, hung out with my friends really late, sleepovers. And because I’m born in the summer I love the hot weather, summer time was my time.

Now things are different. I have a job and my summer vacation consists of if I'm lucky a week off. True that I have 3 weeks off for the whole year but with two small kids I always have to save my days for when they need me. It’s no longer my time it’s my kids’ time. It’s their time for no homework, sleeping in late, no cafeteria lunches and I? Well it’s our time to make sure that they do enjoy their summers like we did. We take them to the parks, beaches, pools, lakes, water parks and theme parks. Since we both have full time jobs we try to make the most of the summer. That means dinner is always a little late cause once I’m home (hubs works from home) we take the kids outside. We try to do this everyday because summer lasts only 2 months and before you know it its over. I want them to enjoy their summer vacations. I know how much I enjoyed mine and I want them to experience it just as much as I did. We try to go away at least for a week during the summer when we can. This year I think we’re going to go visit the in-laws in Europe. And I don’t feel sorry for me. I love my in-laws (probably the only one) but they are great. It’s still too early but we’ll see as the months roll by.

Do I miss my summer vacations? Of course I do. Who wouldn’t want to have the whole summer off to do nothing but lounge on the beach or by the pool? I still do enjoy them but on another lever. But it’s the circle of life. My parents had their time, I had mine, now it’s my kids.

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This post is part of Theme Thursday. Go and read what other bloggers think about Summer Vacations.


  1. I cannot wait until my son views sleeping in as a treat. Oh, my life is going to get so much better then.

    1. Sleeping in is in the eyes of the beholder. When I say sleeping in I mean 8/8:30. I was telling a friend that my kids sleep in and usually don't wake up until 8/8:30 on the weekends and she said that's sleeping in. Yes my dear it is when they use to wake up at 6.

  2. My kids spend summer vacation fighting me about going out into the fresh air. My son just hates to go outside and my daughter is terrified of bugs (apparently she was viciously attacked by a gnat or something.) Good times.

    1. My younger boy loves, loves to go outside but my older boy is not so excited. So we have to be mean and punish him with no tv, ds or other electronics and than all of a sudden he wants to go outside. When he was younger he loved going outside but as he got more into tv he likes going outside less. We still make him go cause usually once he's outside he loves it.

  3. Sleeping in sure is in the eyes of the beholder. Sleeping in to me is sleeping past 7. But minus one miserable hangover I don't think I've EVER slept past 8:30.

    Also, yup it's our children's turn. And I'm totally gonna love to relive a little of it through him

    1. I always want to sleep in but never get to. With two kids one of them always wakes up early. It never fails. So I'm always up.

  4. Wow! Look at that love you gave me over there on the right side bar!!! Thank you! So. The summer thing. I honestly don't know which way I prefer. I've been a teacher and had summers off (unpaid, btw). And I've worked while my kids were off too. I don't know which I prefer, really. But I like your point about it being "their" turn. Honestly, sometimes they need a break from me AND school.

    1. I would love to have the summers off and be with my kids, although I'm saying that as a parent who works, maybe if I stood home they would drive me crazy like they do when I am home for a long weekend. I guess the grass seems greener on the other side until you're there and you realize its sucks just as much just in a different way.

      Of course you're on my side bar. I love reading your stuff, you're awesome!

  5. Summer vacations have definitely changed. In that, I don't get that anymore unless I request time off of work and pay for a getaway. That's why I always just cross my fingers the summer weekends are nice weather.

    1. Same here. I think about 3 years ago for most of the summer it was really nice during the week and on the weekends it was bad. That summer totally sucked.

  6. Back when I was teaching full-time, I always told people that one of the main reasons I became a teacher was for summers off. It wasn't one of the biggest reasons, but it came to be as the years went by and I realized that in that sense, I never had to grow up. I could live a school-kid's schedule forever! Those summers off are nice!

    1. When I was younger people use to tell me to go for teaching. Mainly summers off. I was young(stupid) & didn't. Now I wish I was a teacher. Summers & all holidays off and I can be with my kids and like you said I never have to grow up.
